
Showing posts from July, 2024

finding my place in a world??? making my place in the world

 for those that don't know, i don't and have never considered myself a "blogger".  for almost 20 years, i've been writing on blogspot.  anything from random thoughts to heartfelt essays, i've done on here.  within time, blogging has expanded allowing a new generation to be able to create a new lane that has changed shit up from what it used to be.  20 years ago, i've always felt that the "powers that be" were pushing more and more humans to be "into" the internet or live on it.  basically to put ourselves and our lives on there where we overshare our business so that it could be used for data mining, tracking, surveillance and basically a bunch of agendas that weren't for us civilians.  for me, this was a double edge sword, the internet served as a safe zone where i could express myself anonymous or at least have a buffer away from the reality that i couldn't exactly express myself in.  i didn't have the courage or the resou